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Chefs Who Play with Fire: Chef Antonio Cortez in Cancun, Mexico

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Awake at the Whisk: Chefs Who Play with Fire: Chef Antonio Cortez in Cancun, Mexico

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Chefs Who Play with Fire: Chef Antonio Cortez in Cancun, Mexico

Chef Antonio Cortez of Sen Lin at Cancun, Mexico
Lighting food on fire has taken on many forms over the years: the BBQ, the flambe, roasted marshmallows. Today, using modern techniques, chefs can infuse flavored smoke into your salad or your potatoes.

Using a smoke gun loaded with fresh chunks of Mexican cinnamon, Chef Antonio Cortez of Sen Lin in Cancun, Mexico, today infused grilled lobster with a smoky version of the spice. He pointed the smoke gun into an upside down bowl placed directly over the finished dish. When removed, the air fills with the fading spirals of spiced smoke, making a dramatic impact.

You don't have to travel to Mexico and attend Food Blogger Camp to experience this kind of fancy food (although you probably want to!). In fact, in Sacramento, Chef Pajo Bruich uses similar techniques in his cuisine. Wherever you are in the world, if you find a smoky dish on your menu, order it up! It's a great party trick!

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What that really a gun? Yikes...
Yes, but I don't think you could really shoot anyone with it. Well, you could shoot them with puffy air that smells good. Not too bad for a gun! ;)
great to have met you! will never forget the things that came out of your mouth... speed dating indeed
I kind of want to try this at home. Maybe I'll wait till you come so that we can do it together. If we create a fire we'll both be to blame.
It's a good thing the exit sign is prominent! I definitely WON'T be trying this at home--let us know how it comes out if you and Damaris do :)
You caught the chef at the perfect moment! He was looking right at you and that's not easy in a room full of camera wranglers. :)

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